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TRAFFICKING; Police Arrest Father Attempting to Sale His Biological Daughter in Bauchi — Africa Daily News

By Ahmad SAKA, Bauchi

Detectives of the Bauchi State Police command arrested one Yusuf Umar  aged 49yrs of Dagu village via Warji Local Government Area of Bauchi State for trafficking his 5-year-old biological child. 

The suspect who claimed to be a staff with Warji Local Government area council was arrested on the 26th May, 2024

The State Police Commissioner Awwal Musa Mohammed stated this today when he briefed newsmen on the incident, He said: “The accused took the infant (5-year-old) daughter from the estranged wife in Warji LGA under the pretense that he would take her to his sister in Bauchi town.”

He said: "Unknown to the mother he had already arranged to hand over the girl to unknown person, not knowing that he is a Police detective, Where the defendant was arrested in a Hotel in Bauchi after he bargained for one million five hundred thousand naira (N1,500,000) to give up his biological daughter. Additionally, the defendant to sure his interest sent the sum of forty thousand naira for transportation fees to the person who linked him up with the buyer.”

Commissioner directed the Deputy Commissioner of Police in charged of Criminal Intelligent Department (CID) to discreetly investigate the crux of the matter to unravel more motives behind the defendants actions, after which he will be charged to court upon completion of the investigation for the established offence.

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